Category: Reviews

What a jesuslicious book! Great insight

Samantha Lanier

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Reviewed in the United States on November 9, 2020

What a jesuslicious book! Great insight

Wow. What do I say? When my dad told me about a relative who knew so much about Tarot I was emotionally intrigued yet closed off at the same time. I hope to one day meet Dr. Z the Tarot Teddy Bear in person. I want to learn the Tarot and use it to help myself and others on this journey called Life. I have read many books about the Tarot but none like this one. I suggest anyone on their healing journey and interested in the Tarot to get this book. You will not regret it.

With Life,
Samantha Lanier better known as Samantna L.
Thank you Dr. Z!

The book beyond amazing

Ryan W

Firstly I would like to thank Dr. Z, the book beyond amazing. I found so many gems placed strategically throughout the text that I had to send my family member a copy. so that I wasn’t the only one to know there are other ways to know and embrace God. Once you know better you do better. I want my family members to learn and grow on their journey of self-discovery and healing, additionally, I booked a tarot reading because as previously stated. I am on a self-discovery journey and I wanted to have some things clarified as well as gain some insight on how I should move forward using the tarot. All I can say is that if you haven’t scheduled a session, please do! He was so on point that he scared me. I didn’t have to open my mouth. His interpreting those cards was like he had been a fly on the wall in my life. I highly suggest Dr. Z’s book as well as his tarot reading.

What a great book


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Reviewed in the United States on October 19, 2020

What a great book

An amazing book that gives insight to the writers point of view to his own personal story of healing. I’ve always been into tarot, but just recently purchased my first deck. Dr. Z really breaks down the major/minor arcana meanings and details to the cards as well. To quote Dr. Z “A personal healing practice is the internal work, focused on the healer’s own healing”. That statement alone, makes my transition of releasing/resolving hurt much easier. I came into this tarot journey with blinders on, but thanks to this book I know better now. This book has become my best reference to learn/understand the cards; and the roles they play as well as the elements they represent. All-in-all if you’re in need of a book that gives you knowledge, this is the one for you.

Using the Tarot to Heal

Beverly H. Hitchins

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Reviewed in the United States on October 13, 2020

Using the Tarot to Heal

For the longest time many have perceived the Tarot as a fortune-telling device uniquely used by psychics. Not so! Zachary Weaver makes a strong case for using the Tarot as a tool for spiritual healing in his recently released book Tarot is a Healing Art. He shows us how he used the Tarot for his own spiritual growth and then guides us to use it for ourselves. He substantiates his claim by his own accomplishments: a successful professional Tarot reader, a Reiki master, a Ph.D. in public policy administration, a homeowner and a closer relationship with his younger brother all by the age of 30. Five years later he writes his first book.

Zachary walks us through a seven-step process with seven thoughtful spreads on how to facilitate our own self-awareness and evolving self-development. He uses circumstances of specific clients to illustrate how the cards shed light on individuals’ confusing situations. You don’t have to be psychic to read the cards, just sensitive, desirous and open to taking responsibility for your own change for the better. The cards are not something to afraid of, but rather a supportive resource you can tap into at any time. Zachary’s own story is a testimony to that, and he does it with aplomb.

A brilliant look at Tarot it’s use to Facilitate growth and healing!

Andrae Smith

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Reviewed in the United States on July 27, 2020

A brilliant look at Tarot it’s use to Facilitate growth and healing!

I bought and loved this book! From Dr. Z’s personal journey to find himself and God to his application of key Tarot principles, I can tell this is an author who not only understands Tarot, but has lived it. Many books and writers talk about Tarot for its divinatory purposes, but overlook it’s ability and function in supporting personal growth as well as your connection to yourself and God. Dr. Z combines a gentle, understanding voice with personal experience, confidence, true knowledge to create a book that is both easy to read and PACKED with value for anyone interested in wading into Tarot’s waters and peering behind the veil. To bound the scope just a bit, no this book doesn’t cover everything there is to know about the Tarot, but it does cover the essence of Tarot, the part that is needed to get the most out of your use of Tarot as a tool to transform yourself and your life. Recommended!

Inspiring Wisdom

Joseph Jerome Bryant

Reviewed in the United States on July 24, 2020

Inspiring Wisdom

Dr. Z is truly a poet with his words. He breaks down the world of tarot in such a way that if you are one who is skeptical or afraid of what using tarot can do for you, you are easily reassured, put to ease, and encouraged. Looking forward to hearing more of Dr. Z’s wise thoughts in the books to come!

Education and Personal Illumination


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Reviewed in the United States on July 3, 2020

I loved this book. First, I love Dr. Z’s story. I think we often think of Tarot readers as the women in robes that are sitting in a dark, candle-lit room about to tell us our Future. Dr. Z breaks that stereotype for sure! His traditional background turned into a healer is an inspiring story for all. Then the learning and fun begin! This booked helped me learn about Tarot, but more importantly it helped me learn more about myself. It is a personal journey to understanding what our soul is trying to tell us. Great book for anyone that want to learn Tarot AND wants to do inner work.